The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58607   Message #928197
Posted By: SeanM
07-Apr-03 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Website Help?
Subject: RE: Website Help???
Normally, if you lease a domain (your site's address, i.e. "") through any service - network solutions,,, etc., all you'll need to do is provide the registrar with your DNS information and then have your host switch it over. Depending on the registry service you choose, you'll need the primary/secondary name and/or the primary/secondary IP address from the host.

If you're not computer literate, it's not as complex as it sounds - the DNS information should be easily obtained from your web host, and usually you can submit the DNS switch to your domain provider via online forms (or over the phone with their tech support).

Once you've got the DNS "repointed", it's then usually just a matter of a call back to your website host and a couple of days for everything to propagate.