The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11959   Message #92843
Posted By: Art Thieme
06-Jul-99 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: Great Coffee Houses
Subject: RE: Great Coffee Houses

I left out all the great Chicago folk clubs because they didn't serve coffee. The NO EXIT was an old beatnik coffeehouse (served unique coffee concoctions in the 50s before anybody else in Chicago) that catered more to race car drivers than anything else before the folk era. It always had chess boards inlaid into the top of every table. It was in to be AWAKE rather than sedated (as with alcohol) even though smokedreams were rampant there too. "Unique" paintings were on the walls. Beatniks were, if nothing else, literary --- as in Kerouac and Ginsberg & MANY other lesser lights. (Check out Ann Charters __THE BEAT READER__ for a good overview. She is/was (whatever) the wife of Sam Charters the blues scholar.)The later hippy thing was tune out & turn on as well as Anti-war and a reaction to a seeming threat of destruction of the largest generation of Americans ever by "old men", who had the power to do that, over the young people. The baby boomers used their sheer numbers to fight back for the first time since the Civil War.

Mick, Is that why unions were busted right and left by people intent on destroying the example set then that showed what collective action can truly accomplish?)

Anyhow, allow me to include, THE EARL OF OLD TOWN, THE QUIET NIGHT, THE GATE OF HORN, BARBAROSSA, SOMEBODY ELSE'S TROUBLES, THE YELLOW UNICORN, RUE, THE COLLEGE OF COMPLEXES, MOMARTRE and, last but not least THE ERECTION which had to change it's name for obvious reasons in 1963 to the ERECTHEON.

Art Thieme