The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37497   Message #928616
Posted By: Strupag
08-Apr-03 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: Songs about boats, No disasters!
Subject: RE: Songs about boats, No disasters!
A great song about a boat - with no disasters is the recently written one called "God Bless the Hector" writter by Ian Macdonald and sung by his brother, Spyder Macdonald. Good story to this! In 1775 (or thereabouts) the ship Hector left the shores around Ullapool to sail to the new land and ended up in Pictou NS. The good people of Pictou have now built an almost exact replica of the boat. At the launch of the "new" Hector quite a few people from Ullapool went over and those of us at home listened to a live link of the launch. Many new friendships and new links have been made. Check for the boat here