The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58356   Message #928676
Posted By: Ron Olesko
08-Apr-03 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: God Bless America at Jays Game
Subject: RE: God Bless America at Jays Game
Daylia - Would booing the bully stop the fight? If you stand there booing, the fight will still go on. Using your schoolyard analogy, but when you boo the anthem, you are booing EVERY child in that schoolyard - even those that are trying to stop the fight. In the schoolyard you stop the fight, not demean the particpants.   

I would have no problem if the fans started a "Bush must go" chant or other appropriate anti-war chant after the anthem. The aggressor ISN'T the country, it is the people that are running the war.

Your points about the other factors that led to the war are very true - but I still feel that a basic intolerance is what leads to those factors. If you have an understanding and respect of others, you won't be consumed with greed. You aren't going to solve a global problem until you can solve a basic one.