The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58479   Message #929436
Posted By: *daylia*
09-Apr-03 - 08:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada-US Present Relationship
Subject: RE: BS: Canada-US Present Relationship
Why do I like cartoons? They usually get important messages across much more clearly and easily than the written word. And as the old song says, "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down". That's important, especially when the "medicine" turns as bitter as it has been lately.

I didn't think there was much funny about the animation, except the rather stupid sneaky expression on the 'terrorist's' face in the final frame. But you're right, pdc. There are limits to the appropriateness of humour. I just hope we don't reach those limits for a long time to come, or we just might mire ourselves down in grief and anger and pessimism instead.

"Against the assault of laughter, no-thing can stand!" (Sorry, don't know which genius I can credit that too!) Hmmm, so if we got hundreds of thousands of people to gather outside the Pentagon and roar with laughter for days on end, would Dubya et al eventually topple over?!? What would we call it - a new Weapon of Mass Delerium?
At this point, I'm about ready to try anything that doesn't draw blood or poison the environment ...

;) daylia