The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12032   Message #92952
Posted By: Fadac
06-Jul-99 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: 'Elite' jam sessions? Is it OK?
Subject: RE: 'Elite' jam sessions? Is it OK?
Sombody made the comment about "book learners". Yup, I are one. I have been playing mostly by my self. And you know what??? It sucks.

You alwise feel like your missing, something. Last friday there was a private jam on a friend of a friends boat. I was told to bring my box, my wife brought her drum. Well, you wouldn't want to make and sell a CD from what we did. But we had fun. (FUN remeber that?) I had brought along my partner in my accordion classes, he had just brought his voice. Anyway he had a ball, and now has a need to learn some sea chanties.

Myself, I feel way to inexperianced to even do an "open mike" type of deal. However a slow jam would be great. Now for a jam with real experianced players, well, perhaps I might try and squeeze out some chords on the concertina, quietly. But I feel that I should be there. I would at least learn timeing and some new techics (sp?) as I wheezed along.

Isn't the jam the most tradional way for people to learn music?
