The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58666   Message #929577
Posted By: GUEST,Jennie
09-Apr-03 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: The war: Nader's fault?
Subject: RE: BS: The war: Nader's fault?
Sadly, you're probably right. It means though, that the only time people SHOULD register a protest vote, is when one of the 'bad guys' is 'not so bad'.

It's a real problem though isn't it? Gore was an atrociously bad candidate. Would anyone seriously disagree? Stiff as a board, changing images constantly, refusing to rightly condemn some of his predecessor's behaviour, and even getting caught doing some of the same things we criticized in Bush (fundraising irregularities)

Bush and his people are/were simply neo-fascists, who'd proven themselves to be completely unworthy of a thinking person's vote.

Believe me, Nader looked awfully good. But you're right, we'll pay for this current folly for generations.
