The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12011   Message #92979
Posted By: Helen
06-Jul-99 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
Hi all,

I have to admit I only just read this thread because I thought it was going to be another in-the-flesh get-together over there in the U.S. and I'm way over here and down under and there's no way I could come too. Now I discover that it *is* another in-the-flesh get-together - long colourless balloons, risque puns and all - but that it is happening right here at the 'Cat. Sorry I didn't join in earlier.

I'll be joining in the celebrations - in fact, given how far advanced we are (time-lines, I mean) over here in Oz I might be one of the first to offer birthday salutations.

Peter T, I don't know what you meant by the word "POOF" but it has a particular meaning over here in Oz - I'm sure you didn't mean that, but then someone else mentions catsP blowing up a possum's arse and I start to wonder. ;->
