The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58666   Message #929835
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
09-Apr-03 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: The war: Nader's fault?
Subject: RE: BS: The war: Nader's fault?
Stephen L. Rich said:

What CAN be said for a certainty is that this war was the reason that Dubbya wanted to be president in the first place. He and his people were planning it during the campaign (while he was telling us that the United States should not be in the buisness of nation building).

Huh?   "CAN be said for a certainty"??? Where do you get that? It might seem a good speculation to some, but "certainty"? Even "likelihood"?   Awwwww, come on!

You state it as a fact, presumably calling on everyone to agree; that gives you the burden of proof of what you say.

Dave Oesterreich