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Thread #55999   Message #930001
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
09-Apr-03 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked
FL, you clearly invoke your own prejudices.

The French have literally billions of dollars tied up in a regime that tortured and repressed its own people. To the extent that Jimmy Carter needed to offset the Iranian exremists, we began to give military aid to Iraq. But we realized our mistake, and to the extent of some one hundred casualties, and the other costs we have paid to liberate the country, we are doing our best to rectify things. The French have no such off-set. They were helping Saddam build nuclear weapons up until March 19th.

We have said over and over that we do not need Iraqi oil, and we don't. Moreover, using the Iraqi example to create a democratic, stable, and self sufficient Arab nation (as we are the only nation in the history of the world to do several times before) we do far more to ensure the stability of the worlds energy markets than the 7% that Iraqi oil would contribute to our Nations needs.

As for the lamposts, let the Iraqis determine how they are decorated. The Black Muslim is now back in the States and our justice will see to his fate.

By the way, your comment about the protestors was appallingly stupid; the anti-war protestors in the States have been totally ignored, and except for when they block traffic, left to stew in their own ignominy. As for the enemy combatants and terrorists, the Administrations position has been upheld by every court in the land, at every level, with few modifications and no reversals.

As to your point, about Al-Qaeda and Irag, I do not see how it relates to anything I have written, except to say that, obviously, not everything about this subject has been written. As I noted above, I suspect that several nations that have supported terrorism in the past, are undergoing the Bush International IQ Test, and some interesting answers will be forth coming.

And some point you will have to realize you and yours have lost... totally and for at least the next ten years, maybe forever... Your lies and exaggerations do not survive daylight, and while you gather in groups to fester your views, the world is moving on. To the extent that your views are held with sincere conviction, the world will look back in pity. To the extent your views were promulgated with lies and deceit, the world will look back with quiet satisfaction. But make no mistake, the world will be looking back...