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Thread #55999   Message #930017
Posted By: Forum Lurker
09-Apr-03 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Claymore-It is quite possible that the French government has been selling materials necessary for a nuclear reactor to Saddam. Does that make it legitimate to nationalize French companies' property, given that not all of said companies engaged in such activity? Recall, we also have had billions of dollars tied up in regimes that tortured and oppressed their own people.

What "democratic, stable, and self-sufficient Arab nations" have we created?

You seem to have missed the occassion on which peaceful, legal protestors were fired on by police with rubber bullets and wooden dowels. You also may not have noticed that, according to the Patriot Act, those protestors were terrorists because they were undertaking illegal action (resisting arrest, for no particular crime) and endangering human life (their own, by being fired on) in an attempt to alter government policy (redress of grievances, anyone?). Regardless of what a number of stacked courts may say, anyone with half a brain can see that the Constitution DOES NOT make any exceptions to due process whatsoever.

Do you have any idea how many nations have supported terrorists? Let's see, the United States is up near the top of the list, with the Taliban as one of its best efforts. To invade every country that supported terrorism as much as Iraq did would require centuries of warfare, culminating in civil war.