The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58666   Message #930054
Posted By: Susan from California
09-Apr-03 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: The war: Nader's fault?
Subject: RE: BS: The war: Nader's fault?
What do Democrats stand for? I can tell you what this "yellow dog" Democrat stands for

A living wage
Universal health care
Environmental safeguards
Free higher education for those who cannot otherwise afford it
Support for the troops by not cutting veteran's benefits
Equality for people of all ethnicities, genders, and,orientations
The Bill of Rights
Supreme Court nominees who support these things

I'm sure I've left some stuff out, but it's been a very long day.

BTW, my husband (who is a pacifist due to religious conviction) has attended several anti-war protests tells me that of those who are of age, most voted in 2000.