The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58666   Message #930078
Posted By: Bobert
09-Apr-03 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: The war: Nader's fault?
Subject: RE: BS: The war: Nader's fault?

I must admit, and I have said it here on another thread or two, that I respect both Dennis and Howard. My first thread here at Mudcat was entitled "Department of Peace" and it was about Dennis Kucinick's legislation.

Now as for Dean, I am very interested in him. I don't see a downside to the man. I know what he stands for. I posted several months here about him. He sure talks like a Greenie. Like I say, I have been keeping up with him and have his website bookmarked. I would be very happy to have him as my President. It would be a major step forward for America and the world.

Susan in Califonria:

Yeah, that's the list of things that Democrats *used* to stand up for. What happened to them?
