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Thread #58682   Message #930315
Posted By: Wolfgang
10-Apr-03 - 06:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Baghdad Events disillusion-and relieve
Subject: RE: BS: Baghdad Events disillusion-and relieve
Fine article, thanks for posting.

And as Don said, what the USA does now and in the months to come has more relevance for that region and for the future danger of terrorism than what they did in the war. Contrary to what McGrath sometimes writes here, I think what the USA do during peace bears more relevance for terrorism than what they do in war.

The USA have shown that they do a quite good job in making war (if you like to look at warfare from a professional point of view only), let us hope they are at least half as good in making peace. That would be good for them but not only for them. That's why I care about that.
