The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58682   Message #930641
Posted By: GUEST,petr
10-Apr-03 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Baghdad Events disillusion-and relieve
Subject: RE: BS: Baghdad Events disillusion-and relieve
it really is time they find new heroes other than dictators and terrorists.
the Arab/Iraqi community in Dearborn Michigan booed and jeered an AlJazeera reporter.
the problem is other than maybe Turkey theyve all been living in police states for years, so Al Jazeera was popular because it vented their rage and frustration, on the other hand it is just slanted the other way. As long as they keep blaming the west for their problems
they will not get around to fixing them.
Carter did the right thing by not supporting the Shah in 79,
and the people revolted, although what resulted was not a democracy
but an Islamic Dictatorship, but I had Iranian friends who said that the young people of Iran dont give a hoot about Islamic law but rather they look towards the freedom of the west. No one needs to go into Iran the change will come from within. The Iraqis however were so cowed by years of oppression that it was very unlikely they would have overthrown Hussein, (maybe after a few generations, but certainly not now.) It only took the fear of a handful of thugs in Basra and the small towns in the south to keep them in order.
Anyone who hasnt lived under such oppression, cant understand.
ONe Canadian Iraqi on last nights As it Happens (radio show) said his 15 year old cousin made an offthe cuff remark against the regime in a coffee shop one day, the next day he disappeared - a year later the police came and forced the mother to sign and pay a bill for his bullet.