The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11153   Message #93074
Posted By: annamill
07-Jul-99 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: annap's gathering
Subject: RE: annap's gathering
Good morning Everyone,

We in Jersey are having 105 degree weather and blackouts in our electric. I spent all day Sunday and Monday, when I wasn't on Mudcat or doing other puter stuff, at the beach. It's right across the street from me.

Saturday we had no electric all day, and yesterday we lost it from 4pm until 2am this morning. I had a taste of what our ancesters had to endure. Thank goodness for Ben Franklin!!

It was a learning experience though. We had to use candles all night. I was wondering if people used to ration their candles. I know they made them theirselves, but I wonder if, for instance, they only used two a day. When they were used up, did you have to go to bed? Oh wait. They had fireplaces, didn't they? Oh, no. Not in the summer. Interesting experience. I think I'd like to try living out in the wilderness in a log cabin without all the things we take for granted. For a little while anyway.

Only one weekend away..I'm excited and very nervous. I want everything to be perfect and I want everyone to have a good time. I hope everyone shows up and I hope it goes well.

July 17th, August 14th, Everyone's invited. Come early. I'm making breakfast for Allen and Dave and anyone who's there early.

Have a wonderful day. Love, annap