The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58765   Message #931766
Posted By: GUEST,MC Motivator
12-Apr-03 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
Subject: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
I have watched and heard Mudcatter Jeri's musical skills improve steadily over the last few years, and because she's at times shy to a fault, I figured a little 'outside pushiness' might be in order.

Yes, she'll freak out totally when she sees this, and because I believe she's one of those "Jo-Cohones", she could erase this whole thread before reaching 'full-blush'......but I hope she doesn't.

Why do her songs deserve to be more widely heard and sung? I wish I could give a concrete answer, but I can't. She simply "nails" things a lot of the time. So do other lesser known writers like Bob Coltman, Rick Speyer, Norm Hacking, and Joe Hall. They should ALL be better known. It's in the intangibles.

My suggestion to her has been to start a song-book, complete with melody lines, lyrics.....and CHORDS for those of us not used to the unaccompanied tradition. I'd be happy to provide a few illustrations, and I know that there are several other 'pencil geeks' among us, so t'would be artistic.

By the way....the lady herself is a fine can take an engine THAT'S a rare combination.

Anyone else noticed from snippets and stuff, how good Jeri is? Since she won't do any self-promotion, I don't think it's wrong that we do some for her.

MC Motivator