The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58765   Message #931946
Posted By: Big Mick
12-Apr-03 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
It tickles me more than I can tell you to be able to take credit for encouraging Jeri early on. At that time it was her fiddle playing and singing. Geez, she would sit in the background and you could barely hear her. I asked her to move up beside and play. That was at our first Getaway. Jeri, Kath Westra and I performed a marvelous song there called "Far Away From Their Homes" (Brendan Nolan). I stumbled on the lyric when I choked up at the emotion of it and she jumped right in and covered for me, just like a pro. An aside, those two ladies did that song so well that it was what inspired Ed Trickett to give me "Along The Famine Road" (Brian Flynn), which is on our CD.

She started singing more as many of us encouraged her. Rick and I were standing and watching her sing at the next Getaway and just chuckling and marvelling at how far she had come as a singer. The woman sang with a powerful voice, and we were both very proud to have been part of encouraging her. And a bit in awe of her talent, I might add.

Rick took a lot of interest in her songwriting early on. He saw a lot of potential in her. She often sent me songs, and the thing I like is that one didn't have to baby her. If you saw a problem in the lyric, she was willing to listen. But if she didn't agree she would defend what she was trying to say. In short, just a very talented person with all the right things going for her.

As far as everything else she does, what can I say? If you only knew all she does to keep this place going, it would amaze you. It would also make you realize what a debt we ALL owe her.

Finally, she is my dear friend. A wonderful smile, hugs to die for, great conversation, razor sharp wit, and loyal to a fault. For me she belongs in a very select group of some of the closest friends I have ever made. The others know who they are, as does Jeri.

Thanks, my friend. My life is better for knowing you.

Now..........get back to work. LOL.
