The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58792   Message #932338
Posted By: *daylia*
13-Apr-03 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: Baghdad - the Sacrifice to Moloch?
Subject: Baghdad - the Sacrifice to Moloch?
A couple months ago, a GUEST started a long and tortured thread called "Sacrifice to Moloch" here on Mudcat. Evidence was presented - and thoroughly bashed about - that GW Bush and other world leaders are members of an occult group called Bohemian Grove that engages in annual human sacrifice rituals in the forests of Northern California.

I have no desire to refresh that old battle-ground of a thread, but when I came across these pictures/article from Baghdad last night chills ran up and down my spine. Click here and scroll down to the final picture, a detail from an ivory of Nimrud that was displayed in the Baghdad Musuem - until the museum was destroyed yesterday by looters as coalition forces stood by.

Speaking of the millions of Iraqi deaths caused by both war with the West and UN sanctions, the writer says "Iraqis are of course aware of these sanctions - Moloch gnawing at them. I couldn't find a better picture that reflects their feeling: "The Iraqi people and the western powers."

"Moloch" triumphs again?
