The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12072   Message #93245
Posted By: Dave Swan
07-Jul-99 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
Wowzer, what a lot of hard work that must have been. Thanks to bbc and David. Welcome aboard David, to the place which proves family isn't always relatives, and adult is a relative term. The secret is out, PJ is nearsighted as hell, or a cutie like that would never have fallen for a dog like me. I fog her contacts every night when she's asleep. From the West Coast crowd I can say that Sonja's really that cute, Fadac's really got a grin that goofy, and bseed(Charles Kratz) really looks that distinguished---the perfect disguise. Cheers, D.