The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58800   Message #932501
Posted By: mg
13-Apr-03 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why are you for the war?
Subject: RE: BS: Why are you for the war?
I hope it is read as not being "for the war" but for what will hopefully the very least a people free of torture and a more stable situation in the mid-East and a message to tyrants everywhere..when we are ready we are coming after you. And an acknowledgement that you can't predict what a war will bring...trigger WWIII or whatever. So with that said, I am a number one...not 100%...there are certainly geopolitical strategies and strong economic factors that exist..but are copacetic with number one. A steady, secure supply of oil for the now short term while we switch to greener energy is not a bad thing for the mideast or for the west or for impoverished countries who we can help better if we are prosperous.

But some of these slogans bandied about...Bush's thing about his father, we're out to capture their oil wells, a distraction from economic problems...strike me as loony tunes. mg