The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58512   Message #932616
Posted By: NicoleC
13-Apr-03 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chiropractic
Subject: RE: BS: Chiropractic
Science, schmiance. Science told us smoking was good for you. Science told us black people were inferior to white people. Science told us the the earth was flat. Science told us that people got better when you bled them, or caused huge blisters with hot needles. Science told us those Indians were awfully stupid to treat malaria with willow bark tea. Science told us that nutrition pioneers like Weston Price were ignorant to believe that what we ate might have anything to do with our health. Science told us the atom was the smallest possible thing in the universe. Science told us birth defects were caused by mixing the races.

At one point, science also told us that music and art were a primitive waste of time, and had no place in a modern society.

"Science" is a fancy way of saying guesswork based on observation. It is not irrefutable, it is not truth and it is not unchangable -- it is a faulty process littered with the inaccurate "truths" of yesterday by which we attempt to understand the world. Weakly whining over and over again that chiropratic doesn't fit a narrow definition of "real science" does not in the least dimish it's ability to heal.

As one of so many whom "science" would have condemned to dangerous and hugely expensive surgery, addictive pain killing drugs, and a lifetime of immobility, I say phooey on science if that's the best it can do.

Personally, I'm thankfully my childhood chiropractor "wasted" his resources becoming a healer.