The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12086   Message #93275
Posted By: ME
07-Jul-99 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Patriotic/ folk tune: America, America
Subject: Patriotic/ folk tune: America, America
Came across this one at boy scouts' campfire. the leaders taught the words "America, America; How can I tell you how I feel?; You have given me many treasures. I love you so." I found these lyrics on several boy scout songbook sites. However after the young scouts left the area, the leaders put different words to the same tune. I know I've heard it before, and I may have encountered it in hardcopy song books, but I can't find it. The alternate, and I think older, lyrics started something like "Lou, Lou, Lou lady Lou,....." I can't recall the rest. Can anyone fill in the rest of the words?