The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58799   Message #932758
Posted By: Rick Fielding
13-Apr-03 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: Religion and Song Circles
Subject: RE: Religion and Song Circles
Diggy, I'm not sure if this is as serious a problem as you may think at this time.

I LOVE Gospel music....sing tons of it, but I have no belief whatsoever in a "human type" diety. I don't know what's out there, and would never trust another human being to TELL me that THEY have the answer. Doesn't stop me from really enjoying the music. If I find myself the minority in a crowd of 'believers', I just shut up and go with the flow. Why on earth would I want to push my agnosticism on anyone else? I'd be in that group SOLELY for the music....and that's good enough.

I believe strongly in a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy (with NO male input, if that's the way she wants it) but I'd be simply trying to cause havoc if I stated that belief in a Gospel Music gathering......if I was in the minority.

Nobody's gonna convert nobody in this day and age, unless the potential "convertee" is damn good and ready. Reminds me a bit of guys who freak when they think they've been propositioned by another guy. In both cases what's wrong with just saying "Not today thanks". (Quentin Crisp's line)

Why not just ask the gals if they're enjoyin' themselves, and that you hope the "Feminist, political, whatever " belief of the group will get easier for them to deal with 'cuz you appreciate they're comin' from a different space. but ask 'em DURING the song circle...kind of brings everything out in the open.

OK, maybe I'm being a pollyanna, but just PERHAPS they're there to have fun. You could always teach 'em to sing a "Feron" song....hell they might convert, ha ha!


Now you wanna know what a REAL song circle problem is? The Jerk who wants to play along with everyone, but has NO CHORD SENSE AT ALL! Try gettin' rid of THAT person without bein' rude.

