The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2327   Message #9330
Posted By: Laoise, Belfast
23-Jul-97 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: HELP! I tink im an addict...
Subject: RE: HELP! I tink im an addict...
Bill, I think there was an implied threat in Max's post. It doesnt' matter 'cause I don't know the tune to Gilligan's Island Theme. I know lots of other long and tedious tunes which I can recite while staring away at the endless horizon...

I must say that I feel much better knowing that I'm not the only one with a mudcat addiction. I've only been visiting this thread for about a month and I'm totally hooked. There's no going back! Lord knows what I'm going to do when this job ends and I'm no longer on the Internet. I'll have to raise the cash to get one at home. I wouldn't mind a laptop + modem.

This is a great forum and for a trad-head like me, I could well splash out just for this link alone.

May the road rise with you all, agus tciofaidh me thu (see you) in two weeks time.
