The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58694   Message #933022
Posted By: HuwG
14-Apr-03 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: Confessions of a Guitar Junkie
Subject: RE: Confessions of a Guitar Junkie
Hello, my name is HuwG, and I think I'm becoming a Guitar Junkie.

A music shop in Buxton (UK), just around the corner, closed down the other day. I wandered in to the closing-down sale, and saw an Epiphone SG going cheap; some haggling, two trips to a cash machine, and it was mine for £130 (~ $220). Apparently, they are over £500 new from the factory.

It makes a truly lovely noise, even through a puny 30W practice amp; after the sustained notes have died away, all that can be heard is the next-door neighbour's dog digging an escape tunnel. And for the first time, I can get my blues tunes to sound like something other than builders dismantling scaffolding.

But, even in the wall-to-wall bachelor squalor of my house, four guitars are taking up too much space. So, one of them has got to go. The Yamaha dreadnought acoustic stays, so its either the Gremlin electro-acoustic or the nameless classical. The classical isn't fit for firewood, but I might get £40 for the Gremlin, if I'm lucky.

Can any 'Catters recommend any medication to dull the pain ? (Several pints of J.W. Lees bitter does work when dumped by girlfriends, but there are social consequences, and the after-effects aren't pleasant).