The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52487   Message #933617
Posted By: GUEST,Joerg
14-Apr-03 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Se Fath Mo Bhuartha/Reason for my Sorrow
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Se Fadh mo Bhuar Tha
Philippa, Brían - thank you that is quite enlightening although not completely. The two lines seem to mean "There are more gifts there, no pilgrimage (necessary) for the one who would win the affections of the fair sweetheart." Still - should that be understood as "No pilgrimage necessary IN ORDER TO WIN the ..." (because she's willing anyway, no need to pray for it) or "No pilgrimage necessary WHEN HAVING WON the fair sweethart" (in order to gain peace of mind or something like that, she will give it to you)?

Sorry, I am that much of an outsider that I don't even know what Croagh Patrick is (a peak?) neither the bluestacks. That's what I meant with "secret meaning". I know that "hadj" (spelling?) is a pilgrimage to Mekka but "croagh turas" is a little harder to figure out.

Brían - I think it's not that important whether the honey is on rushes or glittering. Maybe both. But thanks for the comment.

You are giving me quite a lot at he moment.
