The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11153   Message #93386
Posted By: annamill
08-Jul-99 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: annap's gathering
Subject: RE: annap's gathering
Hi Guys,

What a wonderful day here in the NJ/NY area. We are having blackouts and it is damned inconvienent, but it's beautiful today.

Thank you Allen. I hope your right. I think we'll have a wonderful time. I'm still a wreck.

I have some nice news. Max wrote me yesterday and asked me to save him a seat at this gathering on July 17th. He said he's going to pencil us in and try very hard to make it. He said we can count on it barring unforeseen cirumstances. This is so exciting to me. Now I'm really nervious...but happy.

July 17th, August 14th. All weekend. Everyone's invited.

Love, annap