The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58870   Message #934497
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
16-Apr-03 - 01:48 AM
Thread Name: Willie Nelson at 70
Subject: RE: Willie Nelson at 70
Several years ago, I visited a little hole-in-the-wall antique/junk shop in Renton, Washington, called "Jake's Miscellany." He had an LP album cover up on his wall, with a handwritten sign under it--"Does Anybody Know This Man?" I had to laugh.

Told him, "Sure, that's Willie Nelson." He said I was the second person who'd recognized him since he put the cover up. (Didn't say how long it had been on the wall, however...)

Must have been about a 1950s album. Willie was wearing one of those Nashville suits of lights: sequins all over, huge lapels; his hair was short (and still red); he was clean-shaven, etc.

I've lost track of the number of albums/CDs I have. They're ALL good!

And I agree, until you've heard him live, you haven't really heard him. Looking for a chance to attend my fourth live concert this year. Hope he makes a venue somewhere in this general vicinity; my "Vote for Willie for President and Paul English for Vice" T-shirt is beginning to wear out!
