The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58883   Message #934760
Posted By: Peg
16-Apr-03 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
I think it's not so much empowerment of women per se, but an embracing of the feminine paradigm, that might help save the planet and prevent needless war...

There was a time in the 1970s and again briefly in the 1980s when it looked like the western world (by that I mean mostly the USA from whom many industrialized countried take their cue) might be trying to shift its thinking to that paradigm: to choose conservation over plundering resources, cooperation among nations over competition, charity over greed, health over indulgence, protection over exploitation, etc.

But even though these possibilities existed, I think your average Joe (and Joanne) on the street didn't want it enough, and now, well, we're fucked.

I agree women can be ruthless; but generally speaking we are not as likely to think picking up a gun or putting up our fists is the first way to solve our problems...