The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58512   Message #934857
Posted By: DADGBE
16-Apr-03 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chiropractic
Subject: RE: BS: Chiropractic
It would be instructive to find out who funds the organizations which produce anti-Chiropractic web sites. The charge of 'It's not scientificly valid' is less damning than the scientific establishment would have you believe. Honest scientists are the first to point out that all the sciences suffer from a political bias. Take a look at the study of the effects and possible medical uses of Cannabis.

That study has been hampered and controled by the political climate which maintains a belief (based on no scientific basis) that Cannabis has no valid uses. Numerous clinical trials have suggested that there are valid reasons for further testing to try to 'scientifically' understand what the clinical results suggest. At every turn, there has been pressure brought to bear on the medical research community through denial of funding for further study.

Chiropractic has suffered from the same well organized political animosity which has prevented its scientific study while its detractors loudly repeat the charge of its 'unscientific' nature.

At the same time, the officially accepted medical establishment daily uses treatments which are not 'scientifically' established. Just leaf through the Physician's Desk Reference. You will find "mode of action unknown" applied to thousands of medicines which are prescribed with impunity. That doesn't mean that they don't work, it means that no one knows how they work.

That's the same charge leveled against Chiropractic. The difference is that the medical establishment enjoys political support so its practioners are free to go on using 'unscientifically proven' treatments.