For those of you who haven't yet seen "Bowling for Columbine," a small word. It's an excellent film, ranging from sarcastic humor to a truly chilling silent episode that I can't forget. However, he does get one thing wrong:
He states that Canada has seven million guns, and that Canadians don't go around shooting each other. What he gets wrong is that he doesn't distinguish the types of guns Canadians have. For crying out loud, 2/3 of Canada is wilderness -- Canadians have hunting rifles!
But Canadian laws regarding handguns are very strict, and there are not many handgunds there. Transporting a gun in your car in Canada means having the gun in one part of the car (e.g. glove compartment) and the ammunition elsewhere (the trunk). To the best of my knowledge, there are no AK-47 assault rifles or automatic machine guns in private hands either.
It would have made a far stronger point for Moore, IMO, had he made the distinction.