The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58799   Message #935777
Posted By: denise:^)
17-Apr-03 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: Religion and Song Circles
Subject: RE: Religion and Song Circles
I think I'm back...we'll see if this shows up!
(I already posted this once, but I don't see it--and I just had to 'reset my cookie' ;^)

I think the problems presented here are fairly universal, and I think it was nailed by the comment:
"It's about ME! You offended ME! My feelings are more important than YOURS!" That seems to be the general battle cry...

Although I'm not always comfortable wtih the "praise" songs, I feel okay about just not joining in, getting some refreshments, making a trip to the restroom, etc. I don't think I'd comment on them, unless the accompanying dialog felt, shall we say, "persuasive." People like all kinds of songs for different reasons, and I'll sing almost anything, if the music's good enough! (I have a really hard time with "Farther Along." It's so whiny that it makes me kinda squirmy...I usually view that song as an opportunity to stretch my legs a bit!)

We (at our folk group) had an 'issue' with the song "Lord of the Dance." Some folks really love it; others find it offensive. Our solution: It isn't appropriate to call it the official "song of the month," for the whole group, but it can be requested, and led, individually in the song jam.

There are folks you can never please, however, and they're ready to find fault no matter what. I work at a school with only 2 Jewish teachers, and it seems that they are always on the lookout for signs of "overt Christianity." (I think one of them keeps a record, and 'documents' whenever someone wears a cross necklace...)
I sang at a farewell party at work this week, and one of the songs I chose was "Love Will Guide Us." (It happens to be in Rise Up Singing, if you'd like to see it...)
It begins:
If you cannot sing like angels,
If you cannot speak before thousands
You can give from deep within you
You can change the world with your love.

It goes on to tell of the power of one individual to make a change for good in the world--an apppropriate message for an educator, don't you think?
But these two were angry about the word 'angels' in the first line. I tried to explain to them, when they were lambasting me afterwards, that 'sings like an angel' is a figure of speech; if I said, "Looks like we're all in the same boat, here," does that make me a sea captain? They were not convinced, although the word "angels" in this song is the only thing that might be considered religious. They were positive I was trying to 'convert' someone--although WHOM and TO WHAT were kinda vague. (I am not associated with any organized religion at this time, although I would consider myself a Christian, if pressed...)

Off on a tangent to air a pet peeve: Has anyone else ever come across folks that, once they hear you sing, try to get you to come and join their church choir? What is it that makes people think that everyone with a good voice NEEDS to be in a CHOIR? (I even hear it a lot from people who aren't trying to sign me up for theirs: "Wow, you sing really well. Are you in a CHOIR?" Arrghhhhhh!!!!)
I, personally, no longer find choral singing to be very fulfilling (although I did it all the way up through high school, in college, and even afterward, for a while). These people won't give up, though--I've had some that have been nagging me for a couple of years. They just can't believe that I'm really not interested. Anyone else come across these relentless recruiters?   
