The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58955   Message #936517
Posted By: Tweed
19-Apr-03 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gala FIREWORKS Display by Cletus and Paw
Subject: RE: BS: Gala FIREWORKS Display by Cletus and Paw
Doctor Rick Ardo,

We are giving you formal notice to cease and desist this inhumane treatment of even such an arduous brown-noser as pore Kingkhandu. There are limits to what a human being can endure and I believe you are treading beyond the boundaries. I have notified the jobless Dr.Blix of the situation and a thorough inspection of the James Taylor wing will be conducted by him and his party of unemployed suckups.

Let it be known that the Tupelo Royalist Party will not allow their sovereign to remain in your treatment facilities listening to "Thousand Dollar Car" and the incessant conga drumming which emanates from Lordkhandu's ward room non-stop. We also demand that all nurses having the name "Patty" be forbidden to enter the Royal hospital suite.

Furthermore, it is our position that the King of Mississippi should receive no less than eight ice-water immersions daily in conjunction with hourly electro-shock, as a more humane and acceptable way to break him of his acute sycophantism.

Also, of highest priority, we insist that Joe Offer be banned from visiting his Majesty, nor should Kingkhandu be permitted to view the Mudcat forum with segregated Music and BS thread sections as we have reason to believe that this is the root of his Royal Dysfunction.

Tweed, Grande Coot d'Tupelo