The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58959   Message #936801
Posted By: KT
19-Apr-03 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: new material
Subject: RE: new material
Wow! Thanks, everyone for all of the great suggestions! Ihave some homework tracking them all down! Kat

Desert Silvery Blue, Been Ridin' and, Railroad Corral , North Country Tragedy, Aunt Clara are all new ones to me, kat, and I would love for you to send me a midi, but my midis aren't playing right now. I have sound, but it's out of sync. SO much so, that I can't make out the tune. My quicktime is out of whack I guess, and I haven't yet figured out how to fix it.

Amos, thanks for those words. they're beautiful. I'll contact Jenellen for the tune.

celtaddict, thanks to you too. Most of yours are new to me, but I do love Thanksgiving Eve. You're right about Home On the Range. There are two other lovely verses, in addition to the most commonly known one. In answer to your question, yes, I usually do perform solo, but I love singing with folks. (especially ones who love harmony!!)

DQF, the Rose is lovely, and is so often requested. I love what you said..."the lyric as pared and elegant as any river stone. " Talk about poetic! I will have to have another look at Ripple, though I do know that lots of folks enjoy that one.

Ely, thanks too for your suggestions. I don't know them and will look them up.

Thanks, everyone! You've all given me lots to do!! Now to find them all!! KT