The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58955   Message #936864
Posted By: khandu
20-Apr-03 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gala FIREWORKS Display by Cletus and Paw
Subject: RE: BS: Gala FIREWORKS Display by Cletus and Paw
"What a strange journey this has been!"

In the wee hours of the morning, I finally found myself in Mississippi. I must admit, my brain is a bit foggy. The last week or so seems like a phantasm or hideous dream. I rememeber only vague patches of the events which have led me here today.

First, I wish to point out how fitting it is that I should be typing this on this day. Indeed, the King has risen again!

When I entered my palace this morning, I discovered a sporadically-working Mudcat. I fortunately was able to get to the "Spaw's Birthday" thread and , to my horror, I read how deep I had gone into the bowels of mental distress. I was incredulous at the clap-crap I had written. It was clear that I had taken leave of my senses. What was all this "Joe Offer" business??!! My Gawd!!! Did I actually write those things?

I am moved deeply by the concern and compasssion with which Spaw, Tweed, Carol C, Bobert, et al, made their plans to "save" me.

Extreme conditions require extreme measures. My dear Friends took those measures at great risk. For that I thank you.

I must say that, though I am greatly improved, there still seems to be some "inconsistencies" bouncing around in my brain. Perhaps they are simply "side-effects" of the mistreatment I received at the hands of Drs. Ardo and Mertz. However, what ever the cause, I am certain that my Royal Head-shrinker will ably handle the situation.

I must take this opportunity to speak directly to Spaw, without whom I may have never regained my sanity.

Pat, you have proven yourself to @*&^^!~{glarp!}{snap!!!}YOU LOWBRED SELFSERVINGPOMPOUSASSWHOLE!!IHATE OHIOANDANYBODYWHOLIVESINTHATTOILETOFSTINKINGSWILL!!YOUDONTEVENDESERVETOBEINTHESAMEROOMASMYPALANDBUDDYJOEOFFER!YOUARENOTWORTHYTOWASHHISJOCKSTRAP!!YOUARENOUTHINGBUTDICKOFSWINE!!!^&$@#{sloosh,shudder}have been a true Friend in my time of desparate need. Tears fill me eyes as I think of all the effort..&@*&STINKINGBASTARDBALLS!!!*~@\&^...and all the hard work and expense you went through just to help poor old khandu. Thank you, my Friend, thank you...%(@@~WHOREHARLOTSLUTSPAW!!!!*#{glarp}...from the depths of my heart. You are a Saint!

Ken-I am much better now-khandu