The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #937242
Posted By: Art Thieme
21-Apr-03 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
I'm with Amos.

That said, violence is something that many peoples around the world hold in reserve to be used, hopefully, rarely ------- and after serious deliberation----as with Winston Churchill and William Wallace, the terrorists who destroyed the King David Hotel, the World Trade Center, all the lives lost in Ireland on all sides there, the Corsican and American Mafias, street gangs, the newer Russian mafias, the fights after soccer games, during hockey games, the "police riot" in Chicago during the 1968 Democratic National Convention, and on and on ad infinitum. Include all of the people, armys and weapons dealer war profiteers who FOUGHT BACK in all of these preceeding situations I've mentioned as well as all that I've forgotten to point out. Don't leave out all of the crusades and the tribal wars of Africa, Native-Americans etc.

Let us ALL look to our legends for the roots of this sad reality.

And as Bob said, "Now is the time for our tears."--------- but crying over this spilt milk ---AND POINTING FINGERS won't change anything.

I have no answers. Just "is what is." Americans, at least, have learned to enjoy watching the panorama. Sometimes we take what we see and turn it into art--or whatever. It's a great show---and the film, even if it isn't true, just might lead to freedom for Scotland.

;-) Art Thieme ;-)