The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #937324
Posted By: InOBU
21-Apr-03 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
My Dear friend Uncle Dave O
I was mystified at your responce that you never saw another committ violence in America! So, let me ask a few quesitons... (and I AM kidding, so don't take offence anyone, especially dave, meant to make folks smile here...)
1. Are you blind?
2. Have you a habit of killing folks who look like they are about to committ a violent act, so by getting the drop on them, you don't see them committ violence?
3. Are you a hermit, born into a hermit family in Amish country and either don't drink or drink at home as to stay out of bars?
4. Are you a wealthy poet living in New York's west Village?
E. Are you one of those Americans who live in an abondoned nuclear missile sylo?
F. Are you so sick of these questions you are ready to slug me?

Cheers Dave O, and let me know where you live, I want to live there too!
PS Off the top of my head, I am not quite yet 50, I have seen a fellow get shot in the heart about 15 feet away from me, seen the imidiate aftermath of two fellows shoot each other, seen a fellow fall to the pavement at my feet from a doorway with a knife in his back, Two large buildings down town fall killing several thousand folks, countless people beaten bloody, cops crack peaceful protesters on the head drawing blood, lots of blood, a girl friend's bloody head after a "hard hat" hit her in the head with a spanner during a peace demo in the seventies, my father right after he was stabbed in the back and neck 11 times, had a bottle broken over my head - unprovoked by a stranger, was knocked down, punched in the face about two months ago by a stranger (didn't like plain Quakes I suppose) was sucker punched unconcious in a bar in Boston after I desegrigated rowing there, well that is just off the top of my head without much thought.