The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #937419
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Apr-03 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
Well, jeepers, daylia...let me just speak for George Bush Jr., since he is too busy saving the world right now to have time to respond to you on these scurrilous accusations!

*** Ahem...

Look here, daylia, if you're not with us you're against us! Got that? There is a battle ragin' in the world between good and EVIL, and we do not intend to let evil win! You can take that to the bank.

Now, fightin' evil is a BIG job, lemme tell ya, and we are not one bit ashamed about spendin' half the whole world's annual arms budget doin' so. No siree! Hell, if I didn't have a weak-kneed Congress to deal with, half-full of pussyfootin' Democrats and even some Republicans who (I'm ashamed to say) do not have the moral fiber to stand up and defend this sacred Union of 50 states we got here...well, I could see easily jackin' defence spendin' up to 75% of the whole world's arms expenditures...or more. Whatever it takes to utterly defeat Evil.

I am not the kind to take the bull by the horns and then walk out of the corral, and I am gonna hang in there and keep fightin' until people in this world smarten up and stop opposing the spread of democracy by force. Our kind of democracy, I mean. It's the only real kind there is.

I don't see anything wrong with people carryin' handguns in their purses, as long as they are supporters of our democratic system. If they aren't, they had better watch it, cos if too many traitors and other unpatriotic people start packin' that kind of firepower, well, we are just gonna have to take drastic action, and impound ALL firearms for the safety of the American public, and increase the Swat teams and put together a homeland security force of a hundred thousand special paramilitary police with emergency powers. I don't wanna have to do that, but I will if I must in order to protect our sacred values, given by God to these here United States.

It's not an easy job to stamp out organized evil, but I intend to do it if I have to build a prison in every damn county in America, and if I have to invade every damn country that won't give our oil companies favourable contracts.

The alternatives are too horrible to contemplate. Anarchy, surrender, nukular terrorism, and the decline and probable collapse of our society. I am not gonna let that happen.

Like I said, daylia, you're either with us or against us.
