The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #937535
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Apr-03 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
As far as outward violence goes, I don't find Americans to be much inclined toward it, but it depends a bit on which neighborhood you're in (as indicated by Inobu's post). Beats me how anyone can stand living in some of those downtown cores like in New York or L.A. or Washington...I guess they're used to it.

Regarding that woman in South Africa who gets raped every 1.5 minutes...that is just terrible! She should be given round-the-clock protection starting right now! (joke, okay?)

Amos - Actually, I think a surprising number of women have been raped or assaulted at some point in their childhood or youth or later than that. You just don't hear about it. A fair number of boys get abused too, usually by relatives (or clergy or someone else with a close connection). You don't tend to hear about that either. I recently discovered that two longtime male friends had such experiences as children, and I never would have suspected it.

The main thing that I find odd about the USA in regards to this issue is the behaviour of its government...and of its entertainment media. I might mention, however, that the Japanese, who have a very orderly society, are also saturated with unbelievably violent and sadistic pornography which is readily available and apparently very popular (with the Japanese male). It's weird, and it indicates some very big skeletons in the closet for Japan. It makes North America look positively healthy in comparison.

- LH