The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #937597
Posted By: Peg
22-Apr-03 - 02:14 AM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
daylia; you STILL have not answered my questions. I don't want to click on your links, I want you to explain your logic.

What does the US' military budget have to do with the violent behavior of its citizens?
What does suicide have to do with violence?

What point are you trying to make comparing the USA with "third world countries"?

How are you in any position to declare what the "majority" of Americans *think* with regard to the principles stated by the "Project for a New American Century"?

I also think your use of statistics is rather skewed. Domestic abuse in Russia is far higher than it is in the USA; clearly linked to the extremely high rates of alcoholism...why aren't you complaining about how violent the Russians are?

I seriously question that figure on emergency room far as domestic abuse victims making up greater numbers in emergency rooms than rapes, muggings and auto adccidents combined; where does this figure come from?

What is the National Women's Study? Never heard of it. How do they calculate their figures on rape victims?

I am not about to claim that America does not have a problem with violence (so please hold your snide "mutual causation" comments at bay, if you don't mind) but I would really prefer it if you'd actually offer some evidence that made some sense and showed some awareness of the statistics on violence in OTHER parts of the world.

What are the rape statistics for sub-Saharan Africa, for instance?

What are the spousal abuse figures in Scandinavia?

How many teenagers commit suicide in Japan each year? and is that figure connected to "violence"?