The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58995   Message #937608
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
22-Apr-03 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: Shakespeare... Sonnet 22
Subject: RE: Shakespeare... Sonnet 22
I knew from first tidings, from posts ever thoughtful
In a glance and a moment wiser without envy
For the musical soul in your mind is unending
And betrays your intellegence in ways most delightful

But ever shall enticements deliver quisitions
As monied garrisons reflecting time's passage
Too slow my requestings neglecting lusts savage
With nary a fantasy and not false suppositions

For real is true in it's irksome surpassing
The want and strained reachings for essence unknown
Like elms know the sun and towards it turn grown
Bereaved of sight but aware in warm passing

Heavenly bodies can fashion their likeness false
But souls awaken often as the transcendent calls