The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12134   Message #93763
Posted By: Llanfair
09-Jul-99 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: Summer's Here!!
Subject: Summer's Here!!
Annap mentioned in her thread that they are basking in temperatures of 100 degrees. I've mentioned before that in Britain, we don't have a climate, we have weather, and it always catches us out. Right now it is hot, very hot, and most of us can't cope with it. I'm very fair skinned, so I have to lie down in a darkened room till it goes away. The tar is melting on the roads, and the TV is subject to atmospherics, whatever they are. How do you people in the USA cope. When it snows here, everything grinds to a halt, and now it's hot, we're all complaining. What are we doing wrong? Hot and Sweaty Bron.