The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59024   Message #937652
Posted By: BlueJay
22-Apr-03 - 06:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do you still love Fidel?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you still love Fidel?
See what light? That all patriotic Americans should blindly fall in line behind Bush? Stomp 'em, rah, rah.
I, for one have always deplored Castro's Cuban regime. Something's gotta be wrong in a country whose citizens are dying or risking death in order to get to Miami.
I tremendously respect the spirit of the Cuban people. They have to be some of the most resilient people on our planet. I love their music and their spirit.
Unfortunately, Cuba has little in the way of natural resouces, except sugar cane. If Cuba sat atop a huge petroleum reserve, like ANWR, I'd bet Bush would be among the first to decry the "evil" human rights abuses in Cuba. Thanks, BlueJay