The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #937787
Posted By: Peg
22-Apr-03 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
if you have time to type in all this drivel, you surely have time to answer my VERY simple questions.

How about just the first one: what does violence have to do with suicide?

I want to know what YOU think about this. You offered the statistics, now explain why you think it is relevant.

For someone whose time is so "valuable" you spend an AWFUL lot of time making spurious arguments on this forum; so your snotty little "response" about your hourly salary etc. makes me wonder. You just don't want to answer questions put to you and actually think that complaining about your lack of precious time serves as an excuse....then you go ahead and waste more of that time NOT answering anyone's questions. You remind me of Doug only more verbose.

As I said, the information in those links will not answer my questions because what I want to know about is YOUR justification behind using these statistics for the purpose you have suggested. I don't think the statistics back up the points you're trying to make...although I notice you are now backpedaling to say "I just want the world to be a safer place!" You started this thread to criticize the USA and it is to late for you to back off that now. Answers, please.