The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59024   Message #938114
Posted By: NicoleC
22-Apr-03 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you still love Fidel?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you still love Fidel?
Funny thing about those "escaped Cubans." Everyone I've talked to about Castro (which, not since I've never lived in FL, is a grand total of 3) hate him.

Unfortunately, all 3 were from families involved in the previous government, who coincidentally, happened to be very wealthy members of the government. Hmmm. No bias there, eh?

Refugees ALWAYS say nasty things about their former country, some of it true, some of it not. If they liked the place, chances are they'd still be there. And from all reports, many Cubans genuinely DO like it in Cuba. Those who "escaped" as children are particularly suspect, because they grew up being told how evil and horrible Cuba was. They are unlikely to develop any objective opinions.

So I wouldn't take their word for anything about Cuba. The truth is probably somewhere between the happy-happy Communist myth and the Castro-is-the-Anti-Christ myth.