The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #938137
Posted By: *daylia*
22-Apr-03 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
Peg dragged you in, Doug? Well what are you standing around for - Shoot her, for pete's sake! ;)

Greg, thanks for the article. And to those of you who choose to ignore not only the historical and statistical evidence that violence is indeed "the American Way" but also the tragic events unfolding worldwide right now as your "glorious leaders" enforce their American principles and American interests on the rest of the world, I ask you to remember these words (which I saw recently attributed to Mark Twain?!?):

"Denial is not a river in Egypt" Just be careful - you might drown yourselves - and the rest of the world - in it.

And to those of you who've tried the argumentum ad hominem tactic - sorry, it's not working! But thanks for showing just how accurate the "mutual causation" hypothesis is.

Ebbie, Amos - Did you know how ridiculous - never mind arrogant - it is to tell someone else how they do or don't feel? Yes, the Project for a New American Century scares and threatens me - just as it angers and terrifies the rest of the world. And like I said, if it weren't for that, I really wouldn't give even ONE STICKY HAIR off the nuts of that dried beaver about "American culture" or the "American Way".

Still waiting for credible statistical/historical/scholarly evidence that American history and culture predisposes it's people towards peaceful, patient diplomacy and compromise, not war and violence, as the acceptable way of dealing with conflict - interpersonally and internationally.

Then again, maybe I should know that already - after all, it must be "common knowledge" south of the border, judging by what I've read here today!

;) daylia