The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12110   Message #93822
Posted By: Dave T
09-Jul-99 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: Best guitars for fingerstyle?
Subject: RE: Best guitars for fingerstyle?
I now have two main guitars; a Martin OOO-18 and a Martin D-1R. The D-1R is a new addition so I'm not quite used to it yet. However, the OOO-18 is great for solo blues work while the D-1R is better when playing around banjo or in an un-mic'd open stage. The OOO is definitely easier on the fingers and requires a more delicate touch. If you normally play mic'd or DI'd try a smaller body like the OOO or OM series from Martin. The main difference is the shorter scale length (24.9" on the OOO) and the neck width (check for details). Other manufacturers make similar body styles.

Dave T