The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #938248
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Apr-03 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
Ebbie - Actually, and I am saying this in all seriousness, a great many ordinary Canadians fear a possible American intervention at some time, even a military intervention in Canada at some point in the unfolding century which is ahead of us.... The USA IS regarded by a great many Canadians as the only country in the World which is a genuine threat to Canada . I can recall at least ten situations in the past month or two when someone I know has quietly said something to that effect...and not necessarily someone I even hear discussing politics normally.

This does not mean Canadians fear Americans. We don't. We fear the American administration! Note the difference. We generally like Americans.

Why do we fear American intervention? Because we have great natural resources up here, including the World's largest remaining reserves of fresh water, which will soon prove far more valuable than oil (if it isn't already). And...we have a rather small population and military, which means we can't really defend ourselves, except by guerilla warfare.

That's the fact of the matter. There is great nervousness up here regarding the present and future intentions of the United States Government.

This has nothing to do with liking or disliking ordinary Americans, it has to do with your government and your mega corporations. We look south across that border with great concern for the future. We wonder how long our own way of life, which is a bit more socialist than yours (in terms of health care and a couple of other things), will survive.

- LH