The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58995   Message #939363
Posted By: CapriUni
24-Apr-03 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: Shakespeare... Sonnet 22
Subject: RE: Shakespeare... Sonnet 22
There hangs upon the wall a silvered glass
That promises to show the truth of life.
But its truths are mere shadows that will pass.
It cannot know the truth of love -- or strife.
And when I gaze, alone, upon my face,
To note the changes Time has rendered there,
Then vanity and dread both leave their trace
And I see less of Truth than pride and fear.
A mirror cannot see, nor is it wise.
And so I long again for all those times
I saw myself reflected in your eyes
Those days we shared our tears and sang our rhymes.
The facts a mirror shows are dead and cold.
'Tis deeper Truth the eyes of friends behold.